At the opening of the popular Danish Flower Festival in Odense, a new garden rose bred by Rosa Eskelund was named by HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. The name of the rose is “What a Wonderful World™”.

‘Once in life time’, some would say if their rose was baptized by a true Crown Princess and all the attention that comes with such an event – but that’s not the case for Danish rose breeder Rosa Eskelund.

It is only 2 months ago since the Crown Princess also named another of Rosa Eskelund’s new garden roses. It was in Copenhagen for the opening of a large garden exhibition, CPH Garden, and the beautiful pink cover rose was then named “CPH Garden in Bloom™”. And even back in 2012 one of Rosa’s mini roses, Princess of Infinity®, was also named by the Crown Princess.


A rose is a rose is a rose

Wearing a very beautiful dress filled with roses, HRH Crown Princess Mary gave a nice speech at the baptism, where she mentioned Gertrude Stein’s famous phrase about the uniqueness of roses: “A rose is a rose is a rose”. At the following reception in the town hall, the Crown Princess congratulated on the new rose, to a very proud and happy Rosa Eskelund.

Royal roses are very popular

“It means a lot to us that the Royal Family are willing to name roses and participate in openings of flower festivals and garden shows. A royal glow always increases the demand of a new rose. All producers of garden roses in Denmark are now in the process of propagation to be able to deliver to the eager gardeners. Gardens and garden work has become quite popular, and not least roses”, smiles a happy Rosa Eskelund.


  • “What a Wonderful World™” is a large-flowered salmon / pink floribunda garden rose with filled flowers.
  • The rose is developed in Rosas breeding greenhouse and has been tested on open field for several years.
  • HRH Crown Princess Mary also named a new garden rose, “CPH Garden in Bloom™”, this summer, and the mini rose “Princess of Infinity®” back in 2012. The Infinity® roses are world-wide bestsellers grown by licensed growers.


Learn more about Rosas beautiful roses on and follow her on Facebook: Roses Forever

For license to grow or more information, please contact:

Rosa Eskelund
Tel. +45 51571990

Photos by Jens Poulsen, Blomster and Roses Forever